Genetic improvement for adaptive software engineering (keynote)
This paper presents a brief outline of an approach to online genetic improvement. We illustrate our proposed approach with a ‘dreaming smart device’ example that combines online and offline machine learning and optimisation.
HOMI: Searching Higher Order Mutants for Software Improvement
This paper introduces a Higher Order Mutation based approach for Genetic Improvement of software, in which the code modification granularity is finer than in previous work while scalability remains. The approach applies the NSGAII algorithm to search for higher order mutants that improve the non-functional properties of a program while passing all its regression tests.
The Value of Exact Analysis in Requirements Selection
A decision support framework (METRO) was proposed that handles the Next Release Problem (NRP) by managing better algorithmic and requirements uncertainty.
Mutation-aware fault prediction
We introduce mutation-aware fault prediction, which leverages additional guidance from metrics constructed in terms of mutants and the test cases that cover and detect them.
Optimising Darwinian Data Structures on Google Guava
Our novel code optimisation approach applied to optimise the performance of the popular Google Guava Library. Winner of the seach based software engineering challenge award.
Memory mutation testing
We introduce Memory Mutation Testing, proposing 9 Memory Mutation Operators each of which targets common forms of memory fault. We compare Memory Mutation Operators with traditional Mutation Operators, while handling equivalent and duplicate mutants.
Mutation-based genetic improvement of software
The thesis applies Mutation Operators to automatically modify the source code of the target software. After a prior sensitivity analysis on First Order Mutants, “deep” (previously unavailable) parameters are exposed from the most sensitive locations, followed by a bi-objective optimisation process to fine tune them together with existing (“shallow”) parameters. The objective is to improve both time and memory resources required by the computation.
Cryptocurrency Trading: A Comprehensive Survey
This is one of the most influencial and first surveys in the area of cryptocurrency trading which explains in details how machine learning techniques can be used for algo trading.
IEO: Intelligent Evolutionary Optimisation for Hyperparameter Tuning
In this paper, we introduce an intelligent evolutionary optimisation algorithm which applies machine learning technique to the traditional evolutionary algorithm to accelerate the overall optimisation process of tuning machine learning models in classification problems.
Better Model Selection with a new Definition of Feature Importance
In this paper, we propose a new tree-model explanation approach for model selection.
Ascertaining price formation in cryptocurrency markets with DeepLearning
In this paper is was shown how deep learning approaches can be used to predict the direction of the mid-price changes of crypto assets.
Clone Detection on Large Scala Codebases
We conducted large scale experimental research on the performance of two state-of-the-art code clone detection techniques, SourcererCC and AutoenCODE, on both open source projects and an industrial project written in the Scala language.
Mining the use of higher-order functions: An exploratory study on Scala programs
In this paper, we investigate the use of higher-order functions in Scala programs.
Ascertaining price formation in cryptocurrency markets with machine learning
In this work, we analyze and present the characteristics of the cryptocurrency market in a high-frequency setting.
Darwinian data structure selection
We introduce ARTEMIS, a multi-objective, cloud-based search-based optimisation framework that automatically finds optimal, tuned Darwinian Data Structure, then automatically changes an application to use that DDS.
Legislate meets TurinTech: How AI is improving sustainability and making a difference in the Legal sector
TurinTech Co-Founder and CEO Dr. Leslie Kanthan recently joined the Legislate Podcast to discuss all
How to empower data scientists
Artificial intelligence and machine learning have long been acknowledged by business leaders as a means